Handyman Insurance
As a handyman, you’re the person who fixes items when they break. Your job is to help others, but even with the best of intentions, mistakes can happen that but your business on hold, potentially allowing competitors to step in and take your customers if you’re out of business for too long.
If you don’t have insurance yet, you may be wondering how much you need, and for what scenarios this insurance can be used. Experts agree that you should get insurance as soon as you can afford it, and to make sure you get enough of it to cover your risks—the minimum amount for a policy is often not enough for proper protection. Shield Insurance‘s goal is to make sure the coverage you receive is affordable and right for your circumstances, and we’ll work with you to find a plan that meets your needs.
Handyman Equipment Insurance
Your work isn’t all that needs to be protected. Equipment is the heart of your business, and while you might not be worried about insuring a single hammer or crowbar, imagine how much it would cost to replace all of your tools were if they were destroyed by fire or other accident. They’d have to be replaced before you could even start working again, and the price tag could quickly climb into the thousands of dollars if you use several specialty tools.
Handyman Vehicle Insurance
Many handymen use a vehicle to transport their tools from job to job. If you’re one of them, commercial vehicle insurance can provide coverage if something goes wrong, such as accidentally colliding with a part of the client’s property.
Speak with one of our agents today about the benefits of a handyman insurance policy.